day 2-7 python (Life in Weeks Exercise)
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origin from Tim Urban
Your Life in Weeks — Wait But Why
All the weeks in a human life shown on one chart.
I was reading this article by Tim Urban - Your Life in Weeks and realised just how little time we actually have.
Create a program using maths and f-Strings that tells us how many days, weeks, months we have left if we live until 90 years old.
It will take your current age as the input and output a message with our time left in this format:
You have x days, y weeks, and z months left.
Where x, y and z are replaced with the actual calculated numbers.
Warning your output should match the Example Output format exactly, even the positions of the commas and full stops.
대충 90 살까지 산다고 가정하고 앞으로 내가 살아갈 날이 얼마나 남았는지 week 로 계산하기
Example Input
Example Output
You have 12410 days, 1768 weeks, and 408 months left.
# Instructions
# I was reading this article by Tim Urban - Your Life in Weeks and realised just how little time we actually have.
# Create a program using maths and f-Strings that tells us how many days, weeks, months we have left if we live until 90 years old.
# It will take your current age as the input and output a message with our time left in this format:
# You have x days, y weeks, and z months left.
# Where x, y and z are replaced with the actual calculated numbers.
# Warning your output should match the Example Output format exactly, even the positions of the commas and full stops.
# Example Input
# 56
# Example Output
# You have 12410 days, 1768 weeks, and 408 months left.
# e.g. When you hit run, this is what should happen:
# 🚨 Don't change the code below 👇
age = input("What is your current age? ")
# 🚨 Don't change the code above 👆
#Write your code below this line 👇
# 1year
x = 365 #days
y = 52 #weeks
z = 12 #month
# 90 year
# it add with input age
new_x = (x * 90) - (x * int(age))
new_y = (y * 90) - (y * int(age))
new_z = (z * 90) - (z * int(age))
# show remain life in 90 year
print(f"you have {new_x}days , {new_y} weeks , and {new_z} months left.")
# 다른 스타일로 풀기
age_as_int = int(age)
years_remaining = 90 - age_as_int
days_remaining = years_remaining *365
weeks_remaining = years_remaining*52
months_remaining = years_remaining*12
print(f"You have {days_remaining} days, {weeks_remaining}weeks, and {months_remaining}days")
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